Young Forever

4:40 PM Posted by HD

::Pushing out some of these old post::

"Let’s dance in style,
Let’s dance for a while,
Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst,
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever,
We don’t have the power but we never say never,
Sitting in a sandpit,
Life is a short trip,
The music’s for the sad man" - Mr. Hudson.

So it is mid September now which means a slight relief in the extreme heat and humidity we've been having down here in the Souf. Besides the change in season, which doesn't become official until the 22nd, life has been as monotonous as can be. Except for one thing...

I have been looking into wedding rings...


wedding rings..

The process of picking out the perfect engagement ring is so overwhelming. Thank god wifey has given me an idea of what she likes.

The only complain I have is the hounding of these sales people.

I understand that you are trying to make a sale, but calling my phone and leaving me multiple messages will not get me to bu the ring...

But on another note, being at this point in my relationship is new and very scary....

I'll leave that for another post...

Year in Review Thus Far

7:42 PM Posted by HD

This post has been a long time coming, but I have good reason for the delay...

I have achieved a few goals this summer (some intended and some untentional):

1. Finally reaching Vegas

2. (For the mean time) finally settling and getting use to living in a new city.

3. Growing out of my anxiety of life

This summer has been one full of growth both in my physical relationships and in my personal well being. But the one thing I wanted to stress on in this post is my growth as a mid twenties adult living in a new city and still trying to find my way within this life. I guess this is a battle everyone seems to go through after graduating from college and being "let loose" out in the world to conquer everything within arms reach. But how do we go about doing so, if everything that we have achieved up to this point has been laid out for us from the start.

Here is the run down to this point:

1. Preschool - Try to get that whole "1, 2, 3" and "A, B, C" thing down.

2. Kindergarten - Playing doctor with the other kindergartners. Side note: a female friend had to remind me that we use to "kick it" under the teachers desk during nap time in my wonder years. She even claim that we were dating. This was news to me being that the concept of girls (especially the one not having cooties) didn't seem cool to me till 2nd grade. But hey, just shows you that I was focused on the opposite sex as a youngin'. Ha!

3. Elementary School - the years of crushing on every single girl that caught my eyes. See note 2.

4. Middle School - School dances and the dawn of relationships.

5. High School - the beginning of the end.

6. College - The last years of depending on our limited independence.

Throughout each period, there was one underlying theme that was constant: direction. No matter what was going on or what we needed to figure out til this point, we knew that we had to either finish high school or finish college (This is only if we decided to take this route).

But now where do we go. What do we do. Loans begin to build up and finding any job is better than no job. So dreams are put on hold and life begins. So that is where I am at right now so its seems that all I can do right now is to set my goals and reach for the stars, its all about reaching for the right ones.

Where do you stand?

I'm Back

11:11 PM Posted by HD

I am officially back from my vacation in tumblr land. I am not totally through with that site but I feel the best way to communicate my thoughts is to get back into the nit and grit of my writing, which was my original plan of doing the latest internet fad starting a blog.

Come to think about it, I realized that I haven’t done anything I wanted when I first came up with this blog. I mean I wanted to share my interest in music and get my thoughts down, but looking back I didn't let myself go. I mean, I was able to offer some insight emotionally, but to let myself open up mentally is just a whole different concept that I am still getting use to.

So I am back at it again, but with a fresh new outlook for every entry I write. No longer am I going to censor myself, worrying about what people perceive me as.

Fuck it.

I just got way too much shit to get off my chest.

So to reiterate the title of this entry, I’m back, in black and ready to just let myself go.

Just Flowin'

8:06 PM Posted by HD

Today marks a special day in history...

A day in which our kids will read within their history books, memorizing this day...

Just as our generation learned: 

The importance of the civil rights movement...

The assassination of John F. Kennedy...

Pearl Harbor....

So cherish this day for what it is....We as a country have come a long way