[1]st Post

6:37 PM Posted by HD

After many months of procrastination, I decided to finally try to get my thoughts down and joined the wonderful addicting, sometimes redundant  world of blogging. So the only way to best express myself is to let it out as i go so....

1. First and foremost, this video for Gnarls Barkley is so freakin' sick. I came across this video while at work, in between my half an hour on the hour water breaks [beautiful way of killing time] & searching through my 'daily mental consumption'. Directed by Chris Milk, who has also directed a few videos for Kanye, the video offers a brutally honest insight to the end of a relationship. The haunting yet brilliant dialogue shows the true nature of their intentions. Check the dopeness: 

Food for Thought: Can a couple really be this honest, yet so nonchalant, with each other especially during a break up?


Don said...

Unable to check out the video now, but I too think gnarls Barkley comes with it.

To answer the question: Personally speaking, all my break ups have left me or she unable to speak to one another for awhile. Eventually it might get better, but in those moments immediately afterwards, all bets are off.

. said...

i could've sworn i commented on this entry of yours *smh* at blogger.

with that said...i love this song. love this video. love your blog and insight.

soo....when i am going to get a new entry sir?