[3] Weeks Away, And a Change is a Comin'

8:04 PM Posted by HD

"Strength does not come from physical ability. It comes from an indomitable will." - Mahatma Gandhi

I have never been involved in politics. Never was interested. I use to think I was in my own bubble, that "politics" didn't affect how I live nor what I do. I mean i didn't get my citizenship until last year, so I thought "hey, if I can't vote, why bother."

Boy was I wrong...

Now I know...

To make a change, I needed to change....

And as the man I am today I whole heartedly believe that with my vote there will be a change....

Side Thought

'But I've been there
And I've done that
And I promise to never get hurt again
Never no, no
Never again, never hurt again
You drive me crazy but I promise myself
Never to get hurt again
Never again, never hurt again' - MJB


Anonymous said...

Amen! This year's election is SOOO important. I'm a little bothered that some people don't see how imperative it is to vote. How important it is to help put in office someone who has the same values and beliefs as you. And it is refreshing to know that there are people like you out there who take national matters seriously. =)

So@24 said...

I totally nodded my head during this post. I'm the exact same way

Anonymous said...

I rock wit Obama but I ain't no politician...

QuietStorm said...

U shuld blog more often;)